Wednesday, January 22, 2014

AdvoCare Challenge Day 2

It has been a long day, so I am uploading this straight from my notes on my phone where I am tracking what I eat.

8:30 a.m. - Today did not get off to a good start. I woke up so late that there was no reason to even try to get to class on time, because, barring the invention of a time machine, it just wasn't going to happen. I chugged my fiber drink (still not my favorite thing) and even though I didn't really want it, I made a breakfast wrap with a whole wheat tortilla, turkey, and veggies. Not exactly breakfast food, I know, but it was good. I packed a quick lunch (so glad I took the time to prepare my fruits and veggies into individual bags and cups on Monday night. It saves tons of time.) And then I headed to class, knowing I was going to be an hour late (which I hate). But on the bright side, my radio was on point this morning. Hoping the rest of the day goes a little smoother.

10:30 - Spark

11:30 - Lunch Turkey sandwich on wheat with grapes and almonds

Devotion from K-LOVE (I will post this for you guys tomorrow.)

3:30 - Carrots with peanut butter

5:30 - Fruit cup

6:30 - pork, brown rice and veggies

I have not really been hungry today, but I haven't been satisfied either. I think it has more to do with being stressed and running around so much today. I didn't plan my meals ahead enough and ended up kind of grazing and overeating at dinner... But, tomorrow is a new opportunity to do better! Goodnight, and God bless! 


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