Monday, January 20, 2014

Let's Get It Started

This year, instead of a list of New Year's Resolutions, I decided to make a list of experiences that I want to have in 2014. The first thing on my list was to complete the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.

I ordered my challenge kit a few weeks ago and finally got the chance to go pick it up yesterday. Today, I planned my meals and did my shopping. Now I am ready to get started!

I am determined to fully commit to this plan for the next 24 days. I don't think it is going to be a miracle cure that will instantly make me lose 20 or 30 pounds, but I am hoping to lose a little weight over the next 24 days and I want to improve my energy and decrease my craving for all things sweet. I am also going to be training for a 5K over the next few weeks, so I am getting more active, too.

I don't just want this to be a cleansing of my body. I am also going to commit to a devotion plan for the next 24 days and will include Bible reading every single day.

I am going to be blogging about my experience - telling you all about what I'm cooking and eating, what I'm doing for exercise, how I'm feeling (from what my friends say, this AdvoCare Spark is supposed to be the best thing ever and should give me TONS of energy) and what I'm learning in my devotions each day.

I currently wear size 12 jeans (they are tight and I have a major muffin top when I wear them, though...ugh). I am not going to share my weight or measurements, but I will be reporting on if I have lost pounds or inches at the end of the first 10 days and at the end of the challenge so you can see my progress.

I have a great coach and some friends who have already done the challenge with great success, so I am looking forward to the next 24 days!

Now, let's get it started!

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