Monday, September 9, 2013

Bucket List #5

On my Ultimate Bucket List, #5 is Lead a person to Christ.  This is something that I hope I can do many times in my life.  It is something that all believers are called to do.

I've talked to people about God and taught children's church and Sunday school lessons for years, and in that time I was blessed enough to get to be part of leading one person to Christ.  I have had students in my classes make decisions before, but this was the first time I actually got to pray with one of them and be there in that moment when she asked God to come into her heart and life.

When you're part of someone making that decision, it is a big deal.  I can't explain how amazing it feels to know that someone that you care about has made the decision to trust God with their life.  There's a special connection between you and that person when you share a moment like that.  I will never forget the night that Meagan asked me to pray with her.

We had been studying Dare to Be a Daniel, a youth evangelism study by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, for about 13 weeks.  During that time, I could see God working in Meagan's life.  The last night of our study, we had a graduation celebration for the kids that had attended the class.  We ended the night with a testimony service and an altar call.  Meagan went to the altar that night and asked me to pray with her.

One of my other students shared that she had gone through the Dare to Be a Daniel gospel presentation with one of her friends at school and that her friend had also gotten saved.  That year with my Junior Youth Group kids is one that I will never forget.  It was evident that God was working in our lives and He was going to do big things through those kids.  

I have gotten to see Meagan and all those kids grow in Christ for the last few years as their Junior Youth Group Leader.  I have moved for school and don't attend church with them anymore, but I hope that we will keep in touch.  I know that God has big plans for all of them and I can't wait to see how He uses them for His kingdom.

I may never accomplish anything else from my bucket list, but this is one thing that I am glad to say I have done.  I hope that I can continue to cross this off my list many more times in the years of my life.  Crossing this item off my bucket list is one of my proudest moments.  I may not have accomplished most of the things I thought I would have done by now, but I know that I followed God's leading and that I got to help point Meagan and the other kids in the Junior Youth Group to Him.  I am by no means the greatest example, and I hope these kids learned that they don't need to be like me, because I am a sinner just like everyone else.  I was there to point them to God and show them how they can be more like Him.  I am thankful that God gave me that opportunity.  My time with those kids was precious.  I loved them all like they were my own.  Even though I am in a different season in my life right now, I hope that I can continue to be a light for God and be used by Him.

 Don't ever think that God can't use you.  If He can use me, He can use anyone.  He doesn't need your talents or abilities.  He needs your commitment and your time.  He needs for you to have a desire to follow Him.  If you have the desire, He will provide the rest. 

I hope leading someone to Christ is on everyone's bucket list.  Think of how great it would be if we all reached just one person for God.  He can use you and He will if you are willing.  Don't let your past or your shortcomings stand in the way.  God has the power to overcome them.

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